Chances are, you look at a fitness model at least once a day — they‘re everywhere.

Besides the notable places — fitness websites for example — you’ll see their type plugging away at the gym with laser precision. If you want to build a model-like physique, you’ll need to adopt a fitness model’s mentality when it comes to your training. Even if you don’t want a life in front of the lens, a focused plan of action will get reults. Focus on these techniques to improve your physique, boost your confidence, and get you one step closer to that sought-after look.

The Ab-solute Truth

muscular abs

It’s no secret, six-pack abs and crazy obliques are a key focus for anyone trying to craft a drool-worthy body. They’re a fitness model’s bread and butter, but building them up for a single shoot isn’t enough — they must be maintained. If you’re serious about rocking a super fit look, your washboard should be visible at all times. Having the right diet is a neccessity, luckily, the options are plentiful. Here’s a quick guide to help you experiment:

The Keto Diet

  • The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.

Carb Cycling 

  • This diet calls for different carb intakes on different days. You’ll rotate between no- and low-carb, medium, and high-carb days. This allows your body to create a calorie deficit which will increase fat loss. 

Carb Backloading

  • An interesting method to lean out and gain muscle. Carb consumption is limited to the evenings, after your workouts.

Set a Quick Pace

For the aesthetic athlete, one-rep max and hypertrophy training should be a distant memory. Aim for 45 minute workouts that are fast and intense using supersets (exercises that train two body parts consecutively). Take your training up a notch by adding tri-sets and giant sets — these techniques use the same theory as supersets while implementing more exercises.

Crave Cardio

Jump rope hero

An effective, fat-burning cardio routine doesn’t have to mean hours huffing away on the treadmill — exercise bikes can take a hike too. Jumping rope, sprint intervals, and swimming are just a few nonconventional cardio options. 

The Model 3 for Cardio

  • LISS cardio (Low Intensity Steady State) is usuall done before eating breakfast. It can be as simple as speed walking and is often performed for 40-60 minutes at least twice a week. By keeping your intensity low (approximately 65%) for long periods of time, your body is encouraged to use fat stores.
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), common formulas for HIIT involves a 2:1 ratio of work to recovery periods, for example, 30-40 seconds of hard sprinting alternated with 15–20 seconds of jogging or walking.
  • Tabata, this takes HIIT training and condenses it into four minutes, a good example is sprinting for 20 seconds and then walking for 10 seconds. Repeat seven more times for a total of eight sets (which equals approximately four minutes).