28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleGaining muscle isn’t easy. For most of us, it takes a strong effort in the gym and a consistent nutrition plan.
That being said, adding just a few pounds of extra lean muscle to your body can significantly improve body composition and increase your resting metabolism. If your ultimate goal of building muscle is to burn fat, remember that weight lifting is more important for fat loss than cardio.
Regardless of why you want to build muscle, your results will be a direct reflection of your nutrition plan. We’ve put together five critical nutrition mistakes people make when trying to gain muscle so you can avoid them and achieve your goals faster!
(This article was written by our friends at Pretty Fit.)
5 Nutrition Mistakes That Sabotage Lean Muscle Gains
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