The best whey powders on the market contain whey protein isolate and/or whey protein hydrolysates—the purest forms of whey, which digest the fastest. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is good, too, but it contains higher amounts of carbs and fats.
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Gabriel Vergani / EyeEm / Getty
Casein Protein
Casein is ideal before bedtime for providing a steady trickle of aminos overnight, and it’s even been found to enhance muscle building when added to whey in a post-workout shake. Look for a powder that includes micellar casein, the slowest digesting casein of them all.
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Mint Images / Getty
Egg White Protein
Egg white protein digests slower than whey but faster than casein. So while on its own it’s not the best around workout time, a shake containing egg white, whey, and casein protein will supply your body with a combination of fast-, slow-, and medium-digesting proteins to keep muscles growing.
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istetiana / Getty
Beef Protein
Beef protein powder comes from actual beef, but it’s had virtually all of its fat stripped away. As a result, this protein powder digests very quickly, making it a worthwhile substitution for whey if you have a milk-protein allergy.
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Anawat Sudchanham / EyeEm / Getty
Soy Protein
Soy protein digests at a moderate rate and boosts nitric oxide levels, increases growth hormone release, and aids muscle recovery. The latest research concluded that soy does not decrease testosterone or raise estrogen levels in men.