Gyms may still be closed due to quarantine orders from COVID-19, but that still leaves training outside at your disposal (just be sure to social distance and cover your mouth and nose).

Naturally, many may see this as a fitting option compared to being cooped up in a poorly equipped home gym (if you have a home gym that is).

With the above said, we should establish some ground rules. If we’re going to go outside, it’s important to call a spade a spade to keep ourselves safe.

Keep these tips in mind before you head to your backyard or area park for your next workout. Once you’re done learning the basics, check out some of our most popular bodyweight workouts here.

Man Training Outdoors

5 Obstacles to Avoid While Training Outside

Don't let rising temperatures derail your outdoor workout routine, know what to look out for.

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Lee Boyce is a personal trainer, speaker, fitness writer, and college professor based in Toronto, Canada. He is the owner and operator of and works with clients and athletes for strength, conditioning, and sport performance. With a background as a varsity level sprinter and long jumper in university amid his kinesiology studies, he now brings plenty of that experience and anecdote to the lectures and workshops he delivers around North America to help make trainers and fitness professionals more effective at their jobs. Follow him on all social media @coachleeboyce .Â