28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articlePerfecting that Zac Efron-esque beach body takes some time and dedication. So ask yourself: If I were to go to a beach next week, would my body be ready for showtime?
If your answer is “no”—or “not quite,” or “almost”…or anything other than, “Dude, the beach isn’t ready for my body”—then you’re probably searching for a way get lean. In that case, good news: We’ve discovered a brand-new cutting meal plan designed by a former champion bodybuilder that delivers on both taste and nutrition.
This foolproof cutting plan is part of the new book The Bodybuilder’s Kitchen, written by Erin Stern, a two-time Ms. Figure Olympia. Stern knows more about fueling fit bodies than practically anyone. All the recipes and tips below are borrowed from The Bodybuilder’s Kitchen and frankly, it’s one of the finest attack plans for safely shedding pounds that we’ve ever seen. So if you want to strut proudly and sveltely on the beach (or anywhere else) come summertime or your mid-winter tropical getaway, read on.
Muscle & Fitness Magazine
Brian Klutch
Brian Klutch
Brian Klutch