You might be snacking all wrong. As a registered dietitian and longtime nutrition pro, I can tell you this: Snacking is a habit that can either work for or against you. Constantly grazing on salty, sugary, fatty nutritional bombs will inflate your calorie counts, derail your diet, and ultimately destroy your physique. On the other hand, reaching for a healthy, well-timed snack that fits within your overall macronutrient needs is a smart step toward improving your fitness and making you look better naked. A good snack can also waylay hunger so you don’t overdo it on the megacalorie foods on offer during the holiday season. 

So what’s the secret to snacking success? Quite simply, it’s avoiding the onslaught of unhealthy packaged foods and making your own hunger-demolishing fuel. Start by fortifying your diet with the following mini eats. All of them pull double duty by satisfying your need for great taste and clutch nutrition.