Welcome to the iSatori 12-Week Power Builder Challenge! I’m Brian Shaw, 4x World’s Strongest Man and I’m here to challenge to take your physique to the next level. To put some of my training philosophies into action will definitely help you gain strength, power and of course muscle. I’ve designed this program in three separate phases to maximize all three aspects that I focus on each and every day. This program can be used by both men and women. I’ve had Siera Capesius demonstrate a few exercises so that women know they can get great benefits from this style of training. Here’s a brief rundown of the 12 week, 3-Phase program.


This 4-week phase is where we build a strength base utilizing some solid multi-joint movements, while also trying to work on weaker areas like your recessive side (if you are right handed, it is usually your left side and visa versa). I’m also introducing you to a couple “strongman” moves that will help build your overall athleticism and function.


In this 4-week  phase I change a lot of things up including exercises, reps, and rest periods. I also change up the strongman moves to keep your body adapting. This phase also sets you up for the final phase that almost exclusively focuses on hypertrophy.


In the final 4-week phase, we take the increases in your base strength and power and apply it to building more muscle. Again, the sets and rep scheme in this phase is changed up fairly significantly, focusing on more time under tension to stimulate growth. With the strength you’ve gained in the previous 8 weeks, you’ll be able handle more weight in this hypertrophy phase, which will keep you on the fast track to gaining that critical, functional muscle.

Make sure to sign up and download the program, and remember results are #EarnedNotGiven

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This content is supplied and sponsored by iSatori. For more information, visit www.isatori.com.