28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWhen you’re short on time, quick workouts have been touted to get the job done. They’re often advertised as a quick way to burn calories and blast fat in as little as three minutes, but can a super-short workout really be effective if your goal is to transform your body? The answer: Yes and no.
“No one you’ve ever seen in a fitness magazine got their body doing three-minute workouts,” says Manhattan-based personal trainer Joe Lazo. It’s not even possible to warm-up the body effectively within that time frame, he says. Short workouts can increase your chances of an injury because muscles are not properly prepared for exercises that are often performed at a faster, more intense rate, says personal trainer Rob Fletcher. But, short workouts do have a place if they’re part of a thought-out workout schedule, and advanced lifters can use quick workouts to their advantage. “Short, high-intensity sessions are quick and effective, they supercharge your metabolism and burn more calories in a short period of time,” says Fletcher. He recommends using these workouts as a “finisher” to your already existing workout routine or as a quick-independent workout.
Do it as an independent workout with 3-5 sets of each exercise with 1- to 2-minute rests between intervals. For a finisher, begin with one set of 12-24 reps of each exercise completed after your workout.
Do this short explosive workout on days when you have limited time and no exercise equipment to work with. You’ll do 10 reps of each exercise, moving quickly from one exercise to the next. Complete as many rounds as possible. Because you’re moving continuously and using large muscles in the upper and lower body, you’ll gain max benefits in less time.
Do the workout with bodyweight only or as a progression by adding a medicine ball or kettle bell. Follow the same progression as outlined for the Core Crusher.
Remember: You can’t rely solely on three-minute workouts to get a brag-worthy body, but with these tips you can use them to boost your regular routine.
SEE ALSO: Try This 20-Minute Fat Blaster