Sun’s out, guns out! Summer is upon us, the mercury is spiking and it’s time to start enjoying some time out by the pool or shore. But before you go all Hulk Hogan on your tee, you should ask yourself: Are my abs worthy of the sun yet?
If the answer is no then you need to tighten up your diet and add these five lower ab moves into your current routine. That’s because the lower abs are the toughest area to dial in. Guys either overlook it or just have a genetic tendency to carry more goods in that area. These exercises will help you chisel your abs, giving you the well-defined waistline that you want when it comes time to strip down.
Lie on your back with your hands underneath your tailbone and point your legs straight up at the ceiling. Pull your navel inward and flex your glutes as you lift your hips just a few inches off the floor, then lower your hips and repeat, “pulsing” your legs toward the ceiling for reps.
Level Up: Add a dumbbell between your feet or hold the peak contracted position for 3-5 seconds.
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Steve Smith / M+F Magazine
Leg Raise
Start by lying on a mat with your legs straight out and lift your legs straight up using only your abdominals and hip flexors. Lower your legs down, stopping them 3-6 inches from the floor then reverse the motion, keeping the focus on your lower abs the entire time.
Level Up: Get a spotter to go behind you and throw your legs down to create more resistance. Have them push enthusiastically while you resist. Try not to let them get your legs all the way to the floor. Do this for time or reps.
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zoranm / Getty
Swiss Ball or TPX Pike
Hold yourself in a push-up position with your feet on a Swiss ball, or secured in two TRX harnesses. With your body in a plank position, keep your legs straight and push your hips towards the ceiling while keeping your back flat, piking your body into a “V.”
Level Up: After straightening your hips and coming back to the start position, push your body backwards on the ball until your arms are fully extended in front of you and your legs are fully extended behind you.
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InkkStudios / Getty
TRX Knee Tucks
Insert your feet through TRX harnesses and get into a push-up position, keeping your core as tight as possible. Tuck the knees in towards your chest and back out, then carefully extend your legs back to the start.
Level Up: Graduate to the TRX pike or push your body back at the start so that your arms are fully extended in front of you and your legs are fully extended behind you.
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Yagi Studio / Getty
Swiss Ball Jacknife
Start in a push-up position with your feet resting on a Swiss ball. Contract your core and draw your knees in towards your chest. Squeeze your abs for a second, then return to the start.
Level Up: Lift one foot off the ball. Alternate legs on each rep.
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milan2099 / Getty
The Lower Abs Workout
Use these five moves to carve out a killer set of lower abs for summer.