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The Dumbbell Leg Workout For Stronger Legs

Create a pair of powerful legs and burn fat with this intense lower-body circuit.

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Bald bodybuilder doing dumbbell leg workouts with a dumbbell split squat exercise
Bald bodybuilder doing dumbbell leg workouts with a dumbbell split squat exercise

Have you ever gone to the gym and the squat rack or barbells were taken? This dumbbell leg workout gives you an alternative route to take with just a set of dumbbells and some hard work. If you put in the work and rest no more than 15 seconds between leg exercise, you’ll soon notice the soreness in those legs. Just make sure you come ready to sweat, because this high intensity lower body circuit is a combination of calorie torching and big leg muscle-building moves.

For this dumbbell leg workout complete each leg exercise for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds and move on to the next. Once you’ve completed the circuit, rest for 2 minutes and begin again. Do three circuits total.

5 Keys to Bigger Legs

5 Keys to Bigger Legs

Follow these tips and the workout to maximize your leg training results.

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Dumbbell Leg Workout

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